Hey Kids! It's the Truly GIF Unofficial J.A.M.S. Page!

Disclaimer-This page does not represent the opinions of J.A.M.S. (Just Another Middle School) or any possible school district you might imagine. So just forget it...

"If I hadn't surreptitiously made this the home page on dozens of computers I wouldn't have no hits at all!"

Well come! I doubt you will find useful information here about J.A.M.S., Libraries, and John J. Pershing! Maybe a few laughs! Please click here (25k WAV) to find out my current state of mind. Poorly implemented, you will have to click the browser back button to return. I shall have to fix that, someday...

John J. Pershing-Who was he?
J.A.M.S. Info. & History
J.A.M.S. In The Sixties -- Life in the Sixties at J.A.M.S.. Also, the first yearbook. Mostly.
The Library -- A bit o'info about our library. None of it true...
Famous and Infamous former J.A.M.S.ites!

Click on this link and scroll down to "*ershing" for a little brag on myself...

Wanna go back to the Table Of Contents? Click here...I mean there -->

Original Material copyright 1998, 1999, 2005 Tropical Serpants

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